Accidentally outed my faith status on Facebook

I’ve lived overseas for 2+ years, and I’m so used to life away from the church that it didn’t even occur to me that my aesthetic latte pic could be controversial. Proud to have come so far from that first furtively-purchased, guiltily-downed McDonald’s iced caramel coffee 4 years ago, even if it costs me a few raised eyebrows / pointed questions next time I visit the home ward with my parents! Things really do get better.

I’ve lived overseas for 2+ years, and I’m so used to life away from the church that it didn’t even occur to me that my aesthetic latte pic could be controversial. Proud to have come so far from that first furtively-purchased, guiltily-downed McDonald’s iced caramel coffee 4 years ago, even if it costs me a few raised eyebrows / pointed questions next time I visit the home ward with my parents! Things really do get better.