The search for a specific laundry or laundry-related smell

My mother says there is a specific pleasant smell that german people leave behind. She has been looking for this forever, trying all sorts of german-import laundry detergent and conditioner, but was unable to find it so far. We think that it might be something that they use in their wardrobes, either as perfume or moth repellant, as luggage and rooms can also have this smell.

Anyone has any idea of what might be the source of the smell and any brand suggestions? Thanks!

Edit1: My mom has tried Ariel, Persil, Lenor and some german brand names. We live in Romania, but she found out that fragrances differ between countries, so we might have to buy from Germany.

She told me that musk (most notably) and white jasmine may be the base notes, as she had found a laundry perfume that smells similar that contains these. Lenor Aprilfrish is further, but still on the right track.