Do fans and critics know what they want from this franchise anymore?
I have hard time understanding what exactly people want from this franchise. On the one hand people would complain about the Ghostbusters franchise having too much nostalgia. But then would gloss over the new stuff that the franchise would do, whether it's introduced new villains, new equipment, new vehicles, etc.
Also, you have huge divide between critics and general audience. While Frozen Empire received 46% RT rating, the audience rating is much higher with 82% rating. So, what is Jason Reitman and Gil Kenan supposed to take from all this? What are the lessons they are supposed to learn to make better Ghostbusters movies when there is this kind of divide. And if the criticism they are receiving is self-contradicting and inaccurate to the actual problems of these films.
Criticizing Afterlife or Frozen Empire for not being the Ghostbusters movie that you envisioned in your head is not a criticism. Every film needs to judge by it's own merit, it should be judged on whether it's best version of itself. Not whether they made the film that you made up in your head. Granted, this isn't just about Ghostbusters but the problem with modern media criticism., but as of right now let's keep it about Ghostbusters for right now.
If this franchise is going to strive, it has to be allowed to try new things. Afterlife and Frozen Empire was a throwback the 80's coming of age adventure films from Amblin Entertainment. The upcoming animated film is said to be a complete reimagining of the Ghostbusters franchise, which is really want the franchise needs. I don't think casting big name comedic actors cracking jokes while busting ghosts in NYC is going to cut it anymore.
They also can't keep appealing to the older male demographic, they need to appeal to the younger generation which very reason why Afterlife and FE has gen z as their main characters. I'm not saying Ghostbusters shouldn't be middle-aged comedians anymore, but I am saying they need to expand the demographic. The Ghostbusters franchise has been dead for decades, it doesn't have the same pull as other franchise like Transformers or TMNT because they never stop making the latter. There is always a new Transformer or TMNT incarnation just around the corner, the same isn't true for GB.
The Ghostbusters franchise need to get the younger generation back with its animated projects before "getting back to basics".