I was ghosted by my boyfriend of 2 years
Me (F23) and my (now ex) boyfriend (M25), had been dating for two years, been official for around a year and a half. Our relationship unfortunately was long distance and we'd see eachother for a few days around every 4 months.
Things haven't been going that well. I never really felt like a priority to him. In those two years he's never gotten me flowers, not a single one, not even on Valentine's day. The only time he's ever given me a present was once on my birthday and even then it was two days after it, when we went shopping. However I did put a lot of thought on the presents I gave him.
I don't care about how much money someone spends on me, but acts of affection, especially in a long distance relationship, are important to me. I've expressed to him that it would feel really nice if I ever received flowers from him and his reply was "You know I'm broke". However he often buys really expensive things for himself or his friends. For example he's bought some very expensive Pokemon figures and cards, an expensive phone and laptop plus he bought Swarovski for one of his friends.
But that's not all. When I travelled to go see him this Easter he stood me up in the train station for an hour and a half, knowing that I was on the first day of my period and in a lot of pain and knowing exactly what time I'd be arriving. Just because he was out getting a tattoo from his niece who's a tattoo artist and tattoos him for free, something he could literally plan any other time and day. And that's just one example of many of his behaviour.
About almost 2 weeks ago, while we texted, he made a joke about how I've never gotten him flowers and it's not fair because men deserve princess treatment too (because equal rights haha how funny). I told him that he's never gotten me flowers either. His reply was a nonchalant "Idk I don't remember. Next time". I replied that I didn't tell him that so that he'd get me flowers, I'm just stating a fact. And his reply was "Next time you travel to come see me you'll get anything you want ❤️". I said that it's not just about what I want. It's about doing a nice gesture or a pleasant surprise. And that's something you do because you want to, you don't wait for your significant other to beg you for it. And that the only flowers I've ever seen from him were through memes so he shouldn't really be talking about unfair princess treatment since it's something I don't receive either. His reply? "Ok". I then also replied with a simple "ok".
It's been almost 2 weeks since then and we haven't spoken. And up until then we used to talk everyday for the past two years so it's the first time this has happened. I also saw that he reposted a tiktok that said "God if they're not meant for me please remove them from my life" which is honestly laughable. Like, I've been thinking about ending things for a while now but if you ghost me and repost tiktoks wishing God removes me from your life instead of sitting down and having a proper adult conversation with me then you don't even deserve of me properly breaking up with you.
He's basically throwing 2 years of being in a relationship in the trash and for me it's over, even if he does reach out eventually. This is the first time something like this ever happens to me and honestly I don't know how to handle the situation. Some of my friends say that I should reach out and clear things up, properly break up. Others say that with his behaviour he is clearly showing me that he doesn't give a damn so I shouldn't even waste any more time and effort and just move on because he's not worthy of anything more.
(Sorry for any mistakes, English isn't my first language)