Thoughts on love and long term commitment.
I really want to know how do you imagine your ideal partner to be like. Do you find love scary ? Do you have doubts? As what if the other person stops loving you,or you stop loving them or they change. It could be internal or external forces that drive you apart.
Is it just me or do other infps ping pong between having the love of your life and just escaping into a forest and living single and being happy with just your rich mindscape and imagination and hobbies.
I find the responsibilities of having children scary and pregnancy is very much the unknown fear. In my country and culture it's expected for girls in their mid to late twenties to get married and start a family and honestly the dealing with in-laws (their demands and restrictions sounds so awful). You have to juggle between your work/career(if you have/allowed) and household chores as well and appease the people around you. It's all very toxic and exhausting. And if you go against the grain ,you're labelled as weird and disregarding the norms of society and traditions.
Not to mention after listening to news and all the crimes happening around the world just makes mistrustful of people and I don't want to be hurt or in some abusive marriage .I have heard too many stories of marriages ending loveless and toxic.
I only want to be with someone for love and not because of some societal obligation.The thought of being with someone I don't love or find attractive and compatible sounds horrible and a major turn off.