Why are INFP most likely to take own life?
Been hospitalised myself, but I only just learnt that INFP are significantly more likely to take their own life than any other personality type (account for about a third of all suicides, at least according to an old reddit post) - how come?
Ngl felt a bit validating of my own mental health struggles to learn this fact.
EDIT: Yeah actually the statistics seem pretty tenuous, I was looking at this reddit post - https://www.reddit.com/r/mbti/comments/by6xhd/suicide_rate_based_on_mbti_types/ - but it's not very rigorous at all it seems.
For whatever reason tho, it seems to be a thing on the internet (not just in this reddit post but if you look up suicide rates by mbti personality types, that INFP's are considered more prone to it than other personality types).