How does your SO add to your life?
Just curious about INTJs reflections on these questions.
What has your SO brought into your life that you did not have before them? Same question in reverse as well, is there anything specific you believe you’ve brought into theirs?
If you examine your dating history in retrospect, are there any patterns/correlations between the MBTI type of the person and what they’ve added to your life?
(e.g., my ENFPs typically added spontaneity and adventure that I don’t naturally have on my own, while my ENTJs helped me foster a next-level productivity mode)
Edit: - Also—yes, alone-forever INTJs. This post does assume you’ve had or currently have an SO! That’s kinda the whole point. So I don’t wanna hear any sassy comments like “yOu aSsUmE I hAvE an SO!” or “Your question is boring. I don’t even believe in love, it’s nothing more than a serie….” Blah blah blah, bah humbug! This does not answer the question (but also…I see you and I’m sry bro). - Also—yes, MBTI-hating INTJs. You’re correct that all individuals and relationships are unique and that MBTI means nothing of significance. Everybody knows this. But, this is an MBTI subreddit after all, so I thought I’d add this second element to the question too. No sassy comments about this either! I will shun the nonbelievers!