Will Allah answer my impossible Dua?
Don't want to go into too much detail but the issue is severe and affecting my life mentally and physically - every night I sleep and hope that Allah wakes me up from this nightmare. I regret my sins wholeheartedly and read Tahajjud and my other prayers, often breaking down in Sujood begging Allah to show me mercy. I'm asking for the near-impossible to fix my situation. I have made Istikaraah several times and I haven't seen or felt anything conclusive, but my heart doesn't seem to want to let go. I'm not sure if this is a sign to keep praying for the impossible or to accept my situation and accept it for what it is. I ask everyone I meet to make Dua for me and give me the courage to face this because honestly never in my wildest nightmares did I see this coming. Any advice would be appreciated.