Sub Ideologies Lists

Hi ! Sometimes ago, I made lists of the various subideologies from the mod and shared them in a post in this subreddit. As many of you have noticed, this post was deleted several days ago without any warnings whatsoever. I first of all would like to apologize for how sudden it was.

One of the reasons I removed the post was ... that I didn't realize how many people were even using my post. Sure, I saw people comment once or twice and saw people connected here and there. But I figured that, after seeing some people say it was poorly made or kept up to date, as well as a website beginning to categorize the subideologies, I thought people just forgot about it. So I took the post down (for another reason too though as I decided to at least "rework" the pages for me at least). But after receiving a message asking me where the post went, people on the discord mention it and now another post being made to replace my old one, I realize how many people actually used my lists and that honestly made me a little happy but also a little shameful that I took them down like that.

As I mentionned, I am reworking the lists to make them easier to navigate and all of them have been updated as several things were out of dates. Here is also a link to the folder, which I now realize I should I have given first :

PS : To ImmortalJormund, thanx for looking out for others, don't know if you want to delete your post now or not.