Need advice; NYU AnBryce
Hi all! I know this may come across a little strangely but i need advice. Both of my parents are immigrants and im first gen college + grad school. That being said, my parents are well off and willing to fund most of my law school education. Due to this, i don’t want to apply for anbryce because what if on the off chance i get it and take the resources from someone else. BUT will it look bad to NYU that i am first gen and chose not to write the optional essay for it?? Im scared it’ll look like im not interested if i abstain from an essay when it does somewhat apply to me. On top of that, being first gen has impacted my life in other ways and i have an essay that i wrote for another school about it - should i just include that in”optional additional information” section? Sorry if this is long winded, but not sure what to do. Thanks in advance