Why are enchanter supports dodging nerfs when they are clearly incredibly strong right now?

In the upcoming patch, there's no nerfs slated for any of the prominent enchanters, nor any nerfs to their primary items. Bloodsong and Zaz'Zak's are getting nerfs, but not Dreammaker. Stats sites vary, but on u.gg you see the following:

  • Lulu has a 16.6% pick rate, 52% win rate (S+ tier)
  • Nami has a 15.2% pick rate, 51.4% win rate (S+ tier)
  • Janna has a 7.9% pick rate, 51.25% win rate (S+ tier)

Milio and Soraka also have decent pick rates and strong win rates too, and are both S tier.

If you combine the pick rates of Lulu, Nami and Janna they account for around 40% of games - across just 3 champions.

At least at a glance, this seems problematic, and as an ADC main I enjoy the benefits of having an enchanter behind you. But the lanes are incredibly boring when it's some flavour of enchanter the vast majority of the time, and I miss the fun that comes with engage support lanes, so would be nice to shake things up in bot lane to reduce the presence of enchanters and make engage supports more viable.