Pro player's self-analysis is getting so bad what's even the point of having them talk?

I have no idea if I'm alone on this topic, but as a fan of professional League of Legends this is catching my eye. (Talking from the POV of LEC.)

I appreciate players taking the time to do interviews on the broadcast. But almost all I hear is different versions "we're so bad", "we're inting", "they trolled", "I'm kinda inting" etc etc. This is all blanket statements in the form of gamer speak that give no specific explanation on the gameplay, the mistakes, missed opportunities and hard decisions that had to be made.

It's becoming more and more unique that players are actually saying something specific or interesting. Most of the time the LEC team that does this is G2. Two examples:

  • I remember that G2 players came out and gave some specific answers regarding their baron throw at last worlds. That gave us a glimpse on the complexities of shotcalling and how hard it can be to get on the same page in the heat of the moment.
  • G2 players repeatedly have talked on the broadcast about how carrying works. They've talked about how the carry should be voicing their needs, request things and lead the game in order to actually carry. They told us how Yike was learning this whereas Hans Sama is supposedly very good at this.

Maybe this has to do with the G2 coaching staff being so much better that their players naturally build a better understanding of the game and can talk about interesting specifics.

Credit where it is due. Last night we did see Myrwn talk about his creative champion pool and the conversation in the post-game lobby with Finn got more in-depth than we usually get.

But by far and most of the players this LEC split come in with blanket statements that learn is nothing about the game and don't get us to love the players.


If you're a pro player show us your game understanding instead of blanket statements like "we're so bad", "I was kinda inting" so us fans can appreciate you for it.