VENT : Meta doesn't want you to succeed

On site: 2 Coding , 2 AI System design, 1 behavioral

Coding 1 : Aced

Feedback : Strong Hire

Coding 2 : Aced

Feedback : Strong Hire

Design 1 : This is not your usual system design, but domain specific.

Aced it

Feedback : Strong hire

Design 2: This is also a domain specific design round focusing on the complementary part of this domain, Interviewer seemed pretty supportive and constantly kept talking. I was able to suggest the required changes. Thought it went well

Feedback: Lean hire

Behavioral: Prepared a lot, and answered all questions in star format. I had some really meaty stuff in my work, which is pretty unique. And honestly you can tell I always chase growth and excellence from my profile. Interview didn't have any clutter.

Feedback: out of the 6 pillars of meta, I fell short on one - continuous growth. No hire

Final decision: because of two negatives, NO HIRE

I mean, how broken is this stupid process ? I can code crazy good, can design compilers, and taking a couple minutes I can optimize a freshly seen graph. And how the hell did I lack continuous growth ? What curated answer should I give ? Where is the benefit of subjectiveness ?

Chat, tell me if this was conclusive data to decide on No Hire...I'm done.