Lot of things need to be done
A lot of you were going to agree, I love you going to disagree. Just know that I don't care. Iron Man used to be reworked, he's very bland and pretty brain dead. Anything that requires the game to aim instead of the player needs to be removed, such as namors squids and Loki's clones. Loki needs to be nerfed, Peni needs to be nerfed, healing needs to be nerved in general because it's just completely overhealing, wolverine used to be made to where the higher his rages the faster he moves and more damage he does, any hero that has an auto aim primaries such as C&D and Scarlet witch need to have their primary work so that you actually have to aim with them, all strategists need to have a damage debuff, squirrel girls holding ability needs to be removed, storm needs a Nerf, punisher needs to just be completely removed from the game, Thor needs to be reworked, Black widow needs to be reworked, Iron fist needs a movement Nerf, and already Mr fantastic and invisible woman both need to be massively nerfed. Playing this game for a while and I'm noticing it's going down the same path as OverWatch. This is my opinion as a hardcore gamer who has been gaming since as long as I've been able to remember.