What are your opinions on RNs sharing test results with their patients?

I’m a cath lab nurse and just went through a situation where my dad has been in the hospital for a suspected cardiac event and none of the nurses would share any results with him (echo, stess test, ekg) for nearly 36 hours despite multiple inquiries.

This led me to post a discussion on r/nursing in which there is a big split in opinions. (You can read the discussion here if you’d like https://www.reddit.com/r/nursing/comments/vay0hc/what_are_your_opinions_on_sharing_your_patients/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

Seems like we are in three camps.

1) it is out of nursing scope of practice to relay any and all test results that haven’t already been explained to the patient by a MD, even if they are normal.

2) it’s okay to share test results that are normal but any abnormal results have to be shared by the ordering physician first. Any sharing of abnormal results could be considering “diagnosing a patient” and is out of our scope of practice.

3) it’s okay to share results (normal AND abnormal) in certain situations and we use our education and critical thinking skills to determine when these situations are. For example, it would not be okay to share the results of an MRI in which a giant brain mass was found, but you could tell your patient that their ECHO showed their EF to be 40% and normal range is 55-75% (edit: 50-75%)

I’m posting on here because I’m surprised about the number of nurses that think sharing results is the same as diagnosing and therefor out of our scope of practice.

I’m alarmed by how many nurses can’t differentiate between situations where it would and wouldn’t be okay to share results.

I’ve been a nurse for 8 years. I’ve worked in the ER for several years before cath lab and I’m pretty sure the doctors would have killed me if I made them go relay every test result to every patient. I can’t imagine the hospitalists having this kind of time either.

What are your thoughts?