Improvements over M2

Since it’s its moment, lets talk Medievil 2.

I’ve always wondered, since I was a kid, how could I improve this game. It’s really good and holds a special place in my heart (I played 2 before 1) but theres no denying that 1 got more creativity, more levels and its more iconic overall.

2 on the other hand has better puzzles, better boss battles and a better climactic ending imo.

That said it is shorter and a bit less creative. So how would YOU improve 2?

I thought about this for years and I didn’t find an answer. For the longest time I thought the solution was adding a couple more levels after Iron Slugger and before Wulfrum Hall to improve the pacing and letting the plot develop with more calm, but now I’m not so sure.

What do you think? What would YOU have liked to see in 2?