A curious thought entered my mind. (Question regarding the TU monsters)
I return, and I come with another thought. A question of sorts is what I bring to you all, and it is: where do you guys think Zinogre and Mizu will be in on the food chain? They want monsters to feel like they're part of a food chain and established ecosystem, right? How can Mizu and Zinogre work?
Here's my two cents on the matter.
For Mizu, while yes it easily finds a spot in the Scarlet Forest with coloration, it also has to deal with a much larger and more powerful water user (not so much in terms of water deployment but in size and power) in Uth and a direct counter to it in Lagia. It's going to have a rough time establishing itself unless Uth eats something completely different than Mizu, which can give it the niche of being the main fish eater for the Scarlet Forest, helping maintain the fish population.
For Zinogre, while it struggles with various parts of the Scarlet Forest with its coloration, it can serve as an effective 'terrestrial' apex predator for the Scarlet Forest as Lagi, Uth, and Mizu take the waterways, balancing out populations of Conga, Congalala, Yian Kut Ku, Lala Barina, and Wingdrakes. Though, it may have to contest with the Raths should their main food sources intermingle.
If Zinogre is not in the Scarlet Forest, I can only think of two other places: the Wounded Hollow and, strangely, the Windward Plains. I doubt it'd actually go to either, but if I had to place my money where my mouth is the Wounded Hollow would be the better choice.
There, Zinogre has a much higher chance of having a stable niche, and the 'white forest' CAN potentially help it blend in just a smidgen. With the Guardians and Shei Wu, there is a good assortment of material Zinogre can feed on. Additionally, with the ruined buildings, Zinogre has access to a LOT of places it can leap to, climb over, and be one with its mountainous origins.
The Windward Plains also has places Zinogre can leap to and move around in, but Zinogre would also need to deal with Balahara which it MAYBE can leap out of the sand trap with its heightened agility, packs of Doshaguma which could be potentially life threatening, Quematrice which could burn Zinogre and make it lose precious fur and Fulgurbugs, Seregios which, while at a disadvantage, has just as good fighting skill and more agility than Zinogre, and obviously the big bad Rey Dau who could severely injure if not kill Zinogre if it lands a good enough rail gun shot. Food sources for Zinogre here may be Ceratonoth and Chatacabra, and MAYBE the Inclemency could 'supercharge' Zinogre and give it access to power never before seen with it.
I dunno, what do you all think?
Edit: It has come to my attention, thanks to u/CamZilla94, that I neglected to mention Zinogre living in icy areas like Frozen Seaway and, brand new news to me, the Hoarfrost Reach. The Iceshard Cliffs is also on the table for a place Zinogre could live in, and it could have a much higher chance here than even the Wounded Hollow given the food items available such as Nerscylla, Blangos, Blangonga, Hirabami, and various small wildlife. Plus, there's a LOT of jumpy spots and places for him to leap to, and his agility and electrical powers could be turned to 11 with the anti gravity zones or inclemency. And the cherry on top, the only major threats for him here are Em 162, which he obviously wouldn't even try, and Gore.