Zinogre and Mizu as TUs

I just don’t understand why these guys were picked for TU1??? Isn’t the point of TU monsters to be mostly endgame lvl monsters because by the time they release players have reached the end of high rank and have good gear, builds and have become more skillful as hunters?

All the TU in World were all endgame focused monsters, Deviljho, Rajang, Safijiva, Lunastra, Kulve Taroth etc.?

What challenge or gear could Zinogre or Mizu possibly offer to engage players as TUs? On top of the fact they were both literally in the last game released and have been fought a bunch before. Same goes for both Lagi and Steve as well now that they’re TU monsters but were designed to be in the progression ladder of early to mid high rank?

EDIT: The only way I can see them making both Mizu and Zinogre interesting would be to give them their sub species or variant attacks which seems to be a common thing happening with monster such as Gravios and congalala in Wilds.