What movies got spoilers from official merchandise or other licensed material?

Due to how production schedules work, merchandising that is meant to come out in time for a movie release has to be made long before the movie comes out, and often advertised or end up in stores before people have had a chance to see the movie. Because of this, major plot points can be spoiled by said merch, like revealing a masked character's true identity, spoiling characters or transformations that are meant to be a surprise, or major plot points just casually mentioned in the product blurb on the back of the box. Back in the day there also used to be videogame tie-ins and official novelizations to movies that would wind up coming out before the movie and could spoil the plot, but you would have to actually seek those out and they're quite rare nowadays anyway.

Although amusingly, sometimes the movie changes during production, so we end up with merchandising or licensed material that was referencing characters or plots that ended up being cut out of the movie, thus creating accidental red herrings.

So what movies do you recall having plot points or characters spoiled by merchandise or other licensed material in ways the marketing team probably didn't intend given what was shown and not shown in the trailers?