Just a vent
Just a vent. I went out with two for my bfs grandmother's today. One knows I'm pregnant and one doesn't know. We went out to eat before going to Walmart. I'm uncomfortable eating Infront of people and I've had a lot of nausea the last 3 days. She made an odd comment even though she didn't mean anything mean by it, but it was "you're lucky you can control yourself enough to not eat, I eat at every restaurant" which girl, it's normal, I just have battle with my head. But it felt weird and my brain took it in a wrong way, instead of her being jokey I took it as her either praising my disordered eating or judging me somehow. I know she wasn't though. Then while bringing the groceries into the house, the grandma who knows said "are you eating nutricious healthy foods babe? I just want to make sure" which my brain took it in a "she thinks I'm fat" way which probably isn't true. I bought stuff for a Chinese meal, but that was the only unhealthy things. The rest was yogurt and fruits.. and Xmas gifts then one fun item for me, a big stuffed animal