Tapering off!!! Thank you Prozac

10 months ago I got my life back thanks to this medication. For years I had been struggling with pretty severe anxiety, brain fog, depression and ocd, and my last resort was starting Prozac. The first 6 weeks were fucking rough, but sticking it out was the best decision I’ve ever made. I still have a lot to work through and am not immune to still feeling depression and anxiety symptoms but at this stage in my life I am the happiest and healthiest I have ever been :) on Monday I got the all clear from my gp and psychologist that I can taper off, and soon I’ll be living my life medication free!! I want this to be a post of encouragement for everyone just starting their journey, from someone on the other side it does get better and you will be okay!!! EDIT: WOW!! I did not expect this to get such a negative response!! If the medication works for you, which I never said it didn’t work for me, that’s great, and if you want to be on it long term, also great, but don’t put others down because their experience is different to yours!! All I wanted to do was provide hope for people who are struggling and don’t see an end to it.