Getting married
I’m wondering if anyone has any advice for getting married in our situations?? I have a uBPD mother who acts insane and never takes accountability blah blah, all the awful things many of you have experienced.
I recently posted in here about how I just got engaged and got a “congratulations” after I texted her to tell her, shortly after she started rage texting about how awful I am that I am not seeing her for Christmas. She then proceeded to text my new fiance about how I “left her when she was sick” blah blah because I moved a few hours away about a year and a half ago.
ANYWAY I’m planning a wedding and I do want to invite her because I haven’t gone NC yet bc of the guilt. Any advice on how any of you dealt with the wedding planning and wedding details when it comes to your BPD mom? I’m not super close with my dad either but he has been trying the past few years and they haven’t been in the same room for 20+ years. I’m worried she will throw a tantrum and embarrass me (before or after my wedding, she usually pouts in silence at social gatherings) but I really would love for her to attend