Windows 10 end of life is in October 2025. But also there is a good version that will be supported until 2032 that Microsoft doesn't want you to know about because they want to milk customers and if you use the good version they can't push their bullshit onto you.

Imagine being an engineer, an architect, a medical doctor.. you buy a new netbook for your business and you start the computer for the first time and there you see it: Candy Crush, XBox live, Minecraft, etc.. come on! You bought a machine for working, and you don't want to see all this bullshit you never asked for. And you bought the best version too, the license was very expensive and it was clear that you paid extra for the serious version.

Well. Guess what. There is better version. It's called Windows 10 LTSC and it's designed for commercial equipment, medical equipment, laboratory hardware, industrial computers, air traffic control, etc.. for example, when you take an MRI, the computer connected to the machine is using LTSC. It doesn't have Cortana, Telemetry, it doesn't have an AI assistant, it doesn't have an app store, it doesn't have Skype or any other bullshit you didn't ask for. It updates every 3 or 4 months with critical security updates only and it will be supported until 2032.

But you can't buy it. You can buy it only if you are a business and it costs about $300 a pop. You can only pirate it!

Every time you mention this to someone they go "Oh wow yes I would love to have that version, the other day I had to use my computer for work and when I turned it on it went on an update and took like half an hour to start. I would love if my computer just did what I wanted to instead of wasting my time".

But! Everytime you mention this version anywhere on the internet, a million pajeets will swarm the comments saying "Seer you are not supposed to use LTSC, Microsoft has explained that it's meant for industrial applications". I don't care what it's fucking meant for, I don't want to open up my computer and see fucking candy crush or news about Shakira on the start menu.

"But it will have compatibility issues with your software" Uhmm.. no? It's a version designed to be compatible. That is the point. You can even install Steam on it and play games perfectly without a single issue. It's not a "special" version of windows, it's the basic version without all the bullshit that gets added on top.

Seriously, how can people be so oblivious to what these companies are doing? They know that you don't want candy crush on your start menu, they put it there anyway because you can't do anything about it. They will spy on you and profit from your data and they will force you to use their stupid AI bullshit, if anything you have a moral duty to pirate if they are unwilling to sell the serious version to you.

Some people, for some reason that I can't fathom, will simp for Microsoft for free and will insist that "You're not meant to.." you're not meant to what? To escape from the hands of the greedy evil corporation that infantilizies the costumer?