OVH & phpRedis : Need help

Hi !

I recently successfully added phpRedis to my project. It works well on my pc, so i pushed it in test environnement.

Here is what is right :
- php redis extension is valid

- composer installation is valid

I configured redis_url in my .env.local file.

nevertheless, i get this message when i visit the page i used redis in :

11:41:15[cache] Failed to fetch key "latestVersion": Redis connection failed: Connection timed out ["key" => "latestVersion","exception" => Symfony\Component\Cache\Exception\InvalidArgumentException^ { …},"cache-adapter" => "Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\RedisAdapter"]

11:41:15 WARNING [cache] Failed to save key "latestVersion" of type �: Redis connection failed: Connection timed out ["key" => "latestVersion","exception" => Symfony\Component\Cache\Exception\InvalidArgumentException^ { …},"cache-adapter" => "Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\RedisAdapter"]

It seems that redis isn't launched. Do you have any tips or a list of step to launch redis correctly in a prod environnement ?