Could Jazmine DuBois have been inspired by Angela Nissel?

I was watching a video about Season 4, and they talked about Angela Nissel's connection with Aaron McGruder. I figured that Nissel was one of McGruder's closest female friends, and that McGruder based the most prominent female Boondocks character off of Nissel, Jazmine DuBois.

I looked up Angela Nissel, and found her 'Mixed' book, about growing up both black and white, and it turns out that a main topic she tends to discuss is her mixed heritage (as opposed to just any random multiracial person). I read some of the book, and aside from it being her black side that she veered more to, she reminded me so much of Jazmine. I watched interviews with her, and she reminded me of an adult Jazmine when she complimented how sweet the interviewer was. Is it likely that Angela Nissel is at least related to the conception of Jazmine's character development, or is that simply a coincidence?