Do some toddlers just not play independently?

Or is it me doing something wrong lol I’ve tried allllll the independent play tips.

He has open ended, age appropriate toys. Not too many at a time and on rotation.

His belly is full, diaper clean, dry comfy clothes

I “fill his mommy attention cup” first then say ok mommy is going to rest for 10 minutes. All he does is yell at me, kick/hit me, start throwing books because I won’t read to him. Shake the baby gate and say go upstairs/go potty/snack/etc. (he doesn’t have to go just wants to “get” something)

He is pretty good about working alongside me for chores and I involve him with cooking when I can so that’s fine. It’s just the second I sit down he WILL NOT leave me alone. I have also tried leaving the room and saying I’ll be right back, after 2 minutes he just says mommy over and over. Or in the other play area I’ll go in another room he can access and he just follows me and says want to go downstairs.

I do all types of activities with him. Arts, play dough, chase me, tickling, cooking, chores, reading, outside time when it’s not negative degrees for weeks on end 🙄 he has friends and cousins his age he sees regularly

He will play with a car for like 30 seconds, play in the sink sometimes for 5 minutes, or if he gets a new toy he likes might play for like 20 minutes but that’s a brand new toy not one that came out of storage in the rotation. So yes he does do some independent play, not saying he doesn’t ever do it.

Sooooo after all that… are some kids just not into independent play like some are picky eaters, some like to bite, etc?

If you have any tips let me know or if I’ve done everything I can 🤷🏻‍♀️ or if yours is the same as mine just give me solidarity lol

I’m considering buying a “guide” from an Instagram influencer to maybe see if there’s anything else I can do to foster independent play but I’m questioning if there’s really anything I haven’t tried. It’s not that expensive but still wouldn’t want to spend money on something I don’t need.

I’m also pregnant so would like to get him to play at least a little bit on his own before baby gets here.

Thank you for reading this far! I am struggling lol

Edit to add: he is 26 months