*smug european voice* as a europeeing how are Americans choosing Trump😂😂😂

anyways time to go vote on Hitler 2.0, he says he's going to make the tranners AND the migrants suffer🥰 sigh i love being europeeing :)

uj/ if i have to see one more european "person" say some smug shit about American elections I'm going to lose it!!! WE CHOSE TO HAVE OUR OWN TRUMPS ALL ACROSS EUROPE!!! SHUT UP!!! Finnish, British and German people especially, fuck you from the bottom of my heart

rj/ what.. what do you mean we're on track to becoming a fascist country as well..? i voted for the ineffectual liberal party who cooperated with the fascist party,,, this can't happen to generic european shithole, we're more democratic than america:c