Husbands & TTC
Its cycle #5 and nothing. Even though I know I’m still within the parameters, every time we get a negative pregnancy test it’s a blow. Feel like a little piece of me breaks away. This cycle in particular I’m really sad and angry at my husband. Great guy, love him. Really lucky to call this person my husband. But gosh, this process is such a heavy load on the partner who is tracking a cycle in the app, and taking the prenatals, and taking their temperature, and taking OPKS, and peeing on sticks, and reminding the other is time to BD. And getting a period. And bleeding for days. Plus trying to keep calm and relaxed and stay active and eat healthy AHHHHH. And they’re just like ..there. Living life. Feel so disconnected from him (when it comes to ttc) for him its just tons a sex and then “any news?” “Itll be so much more special when it happens.” Meanwhile Im here having this soul searching experience internally. And he does his best to support me, but it’s not enough cause he just doesn’t understand. And yes, I could talk to him and explain to him. How to best support me. And open communication. He doesn’t know what he doesn’t know. But geez another thing to put on my plate?!?? Why can’t he just know. Aghh. So annoyed. The mental load is wild.