time to up or switch?
hi guys! ive felt so much better , havent had to post on this sub in a while, but yesterday and the day before had an intense panic attack, just as bad as before i started zoloft, im on 75mg, feeling very irritable, constantly thinking of my breathing, constantly can feel my tongue etc etc and it makes me panic so bad idk what to do and its making me feel really miserable and sometimes wonder if ill be like this for the rest of my life, irritated by feeling my body, my tongue, my eyes and idk what to do honestly some days i just feel like ending it all … pls help guys do i switch or up my dose im feeling so horrible right now , the air hunger is also killing me.
ive been on 75mg for 2 months now, was on 50 for about 2 or 3 . should i up to 100? or switch