How much do you pay for insurance ?

I'd like to get a ZX6R in a few years but I've heard that insurance for supersports is insane. To give me an idea of the range of expenses, how much do you guys pay, for what coverage and how clean is your record ?

I'm in Europe but I'd be interested to get insights from all over the world as well.

Edit : Thank you all for your answers, here is a list of the tips I got to lower your insurance if anybody else is interested.
- Insure a lower cc bike along your ZX6R.
- Go talk to your insurer in person to bargain, you're too easily dismissed on the phone or, worse, via an online quote.
- Invest in "reassuring measures" (immobilizer, helmet cam, tracker, secured garage, use of lock when parking it outside) and make them known to your insurance company.