Gonna "karma farm" and hop onto the trend despite knowing the answer how well known is my dumbahh avatar? (The answers not at all)
Did you say free karm- erbibmean how well known am I... Heheh
Would HE let your Avatar rotect Telamon with him?
Do yall have any ideas for a valentines day trend (read body text)
Give me an image you'd like to posed in your avatar and user. Max will be however popular this gets when I wake up.
Shhh, I'm obviously not karma farming, How known am I?
(Part 4) Your going down, you Sputnik! (Photos Engage edition) You know the deal, give me your avatar and username, so I can turn these images to your avatar or someone else.
Eh... How popular am I? ( I'm gonna tell you if I know you too )
Telling you how much I’ve seen you on the sub.
A Leak for a big project (This isnt for the manga btw)
How do I get M O R E recognize in this sub?
Too many people is doing this, why not join despite knowing I’m not? Am I popular?
Too many lovely Lul's...
Giving you a random number based on your avatar
Guys... I see a certain trend coming back lol (Idk what to tag this)
Making a... Wherever you call this of your avatar.
Results of my previous post
Thought I was DONE. I'm taking ur (bald) avatars
i call this creature akizet hi akizet
I’ll draw your avatar fight another persons avatar ye?
Life or Bath for Tama? + drawing top comment
Valentine's Day Suit
A (definitely not forced) Shank QNA
Drawing avatars… sorry im not very good though