Just normal animals with an insane amount of aura.
"My God, What Have I Done?"
Characters who will not hesitate resort to acts of cruelty in order to maintain a status quo. (Bonus points if the "status quo" is already flimsy as hell)
[Loved Trope] characters who are extremely greedy but are still good people
Romanticized Toxic Relationships
Why Is Reddit Losing It?
The character getting a cool new powerup is kind of a bad thing actually
[Loved Trope] Characters who stay behind to hold enemies back and end up killing all of them.
god fucking damn it
Oh f*ck! We've made the villain too sympathetic! QUICKLY, shoehorn in a nonsensically cruel scene to make them look eviler!
The glazing is insane
favorite fandom-made character?
I hate this mod so much
Lost Ascension? More like, Lost my Attention...
Lost Ascension? More like lost attention....
That's why Fruits of the lit club is the GOAT
Recruited (Comic)
Characters with extremely unthreatening titles (Bonus Points if they’re actually super badass
Last Updated: A Really Fking Long Time Ago (2025 Remaster)
God forbid this subreddit not be a cesspool of men pretending to be women
Jerk with a heart of Jerk
Skeletons really have aimbot 😭🏹🎯
Heel Face/Face Heel Turns that make little to no sense