Questiom about Elliot Spencer becoming Pinhead
Are GvK Kong immune against heavy cannons from dreadnoughts?
What if Clark sent these destroyers to take over B5?
Starting to think the show doesn't get unlimited funds like many thought
Hellraiser Cenobytes - The most reasonable fictional demons?
Feil av Horneland å gå til Saint-Étienne?
Need to see the Dark Lord Sauron next season
I have an idea what the demons before the Cenobyte looked like
Would the Nova Class Dreadnought move faster and have better agility without all the cannons?
The accusation that ROP is not made by passion, but by corporate cash grab
Are the Nightbreed benevolent demons?
Can adolescence Kong from the movie Skull 2017 end WWI?
What other shape did Morgoth's corrupted Maiar take?
Next Hellraiser movie should go back in time and influence from Barker's Jericho game
Humanized Sauron too much?
Why the Cenobytes always moves slowly?
The First Age battles were more spiritual than the two other ages?
Resident Evil zombiers and Licker creatures vs Byzantine Empire at it's peak
A animated or live-action adaptation of the T-virus being unleashed in medieval times
I feel this year Unis needs to have one song that reaches the korean gp
Helt umulig nå å vippe Glimt fra tronen?
How many Primus and Vorchan warships would it take to destroy one Sharlin?
A zombie apoclaypse set in medieval Europe would be a interesting plot
Can the Earth Alliance prolonge the Minbari war from 2-4 years?
Would these GOT characters have been perfect Cenobites?