Welcome to my Coop.
Is my chicken melting or just stupid?
Name a band name where everyone is morbidly obese
What's the single biggest factor that attracts you to a woman?
Could we please ease off with the "MAGA seeing the light" posts?
Roast this bitch please
Don't know what to name this
Damn it Margaret
what type of duck is this and what is its gender?
I wonder what he’s thinking about lol
The last text I sent my best friend before finding him deceased (natural cause)
What is my big guy?
Made a banned foods list so my roommates know what kitchen scraps are safe for the girls. Is this accurate?
50501 Protest
what is your favorite thing to feed ducks 🦆?
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Epona likes to crawl up my chest and sleep in my hood
Why do backyard hen eggs taste so much better than store bought eggs ?