Grand Reckoning Talon
Found it why 10 Enforcer has a 99% win rate. I beat the law
[Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound] what happened to her
[NA] T3 clash lft
HealGot Build Dead?
Everytime i take this Augment
What’s your favourite unit this set?
Best Talon Skin?
Treat your innie to a more refined typing experience
Dont mind the mouse clicks
And Urgot be like: "Nah i'd win!"
Genuinely asking, for what reasons does someone prefer over Lichess?
Your fav talon youtube or streamers?
Chess game shit talkers making me feel bad lol
Why is c8 the recommended move
Is it me or are the new summoner spells ugly af?
I know this cool as fuck but how?
What do you think of the face design of this version of Katarina?
Why does Runaan's Hurricane NOT spread Last Whisper??
Someone help me out on why my econ is so trash
If she had these all along, did Heimerdinger have to die?
December 27, 2024 Daily Discussion Thread
The hardest Chinese character, requiring 62 strokes to write
How to get your student loan to be interest free - by paying the Ontario portion first