Puis-je prendre de la metronidazole pour traiter mon infection urinaire?
Looking for suggestions on how to travel from South to North Laos
Quelles seront vos bonnes résolutions pour 2025?
Acheteurs allemands qui veulent payer via PayPal : Arnaque ?
Simple yes or no please lol. Can I mention a celebrity name or a song title in my book?
Question à ceux qui ont étudié les lettres modernes ou on une très bonne connaissance de la littérature
My grandmother's sister Tamara 🤩
Le livre que vous n'avez pas réussi à lâcher
Club de lecture en construction
Comment être "éveillée" ?
Travelling to Asia for 3 months for the first time (F32)
Has there been a book that demotivated you from writing?
Quel sport „facile“ pour mon père?
Stendhal - Journal, Incipit - "faute de français" -> Où est-elle ???
What can be a good way/mode of transport to enter a fantasy world?
Which was the worst traslation of a movie title in your country?
Tell me your current project in one sentence. I'll go first.
What are your writing pain points?
Who here writes books/content in languages other than English?
Who’s the greatest of all time when it comes to prose?
Do you usually have main characters being the same sex/gender than you?
Songs that have a huge tonal change in the middle. Not just key, but the whole vibe.
Songs about the most ridiculously explicit sex possible
Application : c’est quoi ta découverte dont personne ne parle ?