Yeah, fuck your political posts on here. Here's a fucking polar bear.
They haven't completely erased the elephant from the brand.
Getaway vs honor, anyone have an experience with both?
Fuck the Collapse of the Pac12. Someone said if the rest of us hated our rivals enough, maybe this sub wouldn’t be all OSU Michigan. So fuck you, Collapse of the Pac12. Eat shit.
Find 'Em Friday
Stanford can eat shit what the fuck is your mascot and marching band.
Check this out!!
Until Sai gets time off from Taco Bell...this is offically Sai Weatherman
Fuck Oregon. Someone said if the rest of us hated our rivals enough, maybe this sub wouldn't be all OSU Michigan. So fuck you Oregon eat shit.
Beefy duo FSOT. Trade list is second photo
Vision Board? Which one of you did this.
I am the dude in the middle. No shame.
Devin Brown officially signs with Cal. Shout out to this guy for always willing to step up to the plate and sticking through until the end
Pimpy Wysocki
Love ace hardware
Overstable midranges - taking offers
Need feedback on my new logo for Rick, what yall think
What’s your least favorite disc from your favorite manufacturer?
Another dream match! Thank you Tony Khan! Adam Cole vs [luchador that I know for sure and I don't pretend that I know every CMLL/AAA dude that appears on AEW TV] - WOW! This will feed families!!!
$15 mids!
$18 first page $15 second page $10 3rd page hump day special!
Trading discs and looking for trail, roadrunner, zone, and other disc offers
ISO penned glow roc3 & used sexton firebirds