Haven’t played FO4 in a while. Thanks Google!
A place that takes 8 days to get there
Is it just me or are employers becoming more tolerant of cannabis in NJ?
Where to learn to ride a motorcycle before you test drive and buy one?
I've been working on an interactive tool to make learning fretboard notes less painful. (Two of them actually) Looking for guitarists to test and give feedback.
My Snus Fridge & Freezer stocked up for the year
Needed both hips replaced at 29
My Cousin 3D-printed me this N64 logo. Should I paint it or keep it white?
Config I picked up thoughts is it good for emails and YouTube? Ha jk it’s being used for C++ code.
Jerk Help
How do I click and drag files with the trackpad or move them to diff locations without copying - ex Windows User
What does my fridge say about me?
Just my second can
Proof Korean banks know about Squid Game
39, single, straight as an arrow ⬇️⬆️➡️
Over the Moon today
75lbs -> 120lbs. never. give. up.
overkill? nah
In a world full of idiots, it's good to see some good people left to look after them
16(not gay) what can i improve?
A slab of sentient ham
I am an individual with cerebral palsy and also an amateur athlete. Recently, I have developed an interest in calisthenics and have started doing dips at an amateur level. My current goal is to learn movements like muscle-ups and pull-ups
All Praise the TT Ban!
My newest acquisition! This thing is 4.5+Billion years old and it’s in me hands!
Is this optimal?