I really don't understand the AI hate.
If you had access to DOMA’s card shop like Rex and Weevil and could build a deck based on cards seen in the series, do you think you could become the King of Games in the original series?
11 years and a truckload of pizzas later, we're releasing Elroy and the Aliens in 54 days! This is the trailer to our hand-drawn adventure game. 100% indie, 200% excited!
Hello! Do you get some "anime" vibes from this (despite this is not an anime)?
Only legends knows
i pretend to be clueless just to see how guys explain things 😭
Stray cat vs Bucciarati
I am still laughing
This is why you should sit at the back.
Hi, I'm trying to make a DMC-inspired combat system. What do you think about it so far?
Walking down the wrong street
Every yugioh monster in your collection comes to life with one goal: kill you. How doomed are you?
asked someone for help reaching the pretzels and they said no 3
What card that appeared in the anime do you think got nerfed the worst before releasing to the real world?
What is the answer for satisfactory players (us)
This action scene from Indian movie
Top Comment Decides the Best Quote ! Day 8: H
New animated shorts for gates in MD
How do I unlock the power hidden in this card?
Decks whose playstyle/strategy has changed the most over time?
What is probably the hardest fight you've ever fought?
I'm 15 and I want to increase my bench press
Im a 14y old male who needs help losing a lot weight. PLS HELP ME.
If you were dropped into the beginning of Battle City with Joey’s deck, but you have your knowledge of the game with you as well, how far do you think you could go in the tournament?
Married/partnered men, how do you like to spend your weekends when your lady is out of town?