Deftones songs always seem to be on the verge of getting good but never get there
This man is unhinged 🤦🏽
Which “older” (50+) women do you still find HOT?
Kevin Costner has never been a great actor.
What's a film you'll always enjoy watching, no matter what critics, reviewers, and cinephiles tell you otherwise?
People are earning more than $200k a year—what's your line of work, and how did you get to that level?
Which was the first movie you watched in theatres?
Green Day is overrated…
How come this show doesn’t get love on this sub?
This movie is a classic btw
Who is the best action movie woman lead since Ripley? I vote for Emily Blunt as Rita "Rose" Vrataski Edge of Tomorrow.
Have you ever felt disadvantages because because you were born in your country
Street Take Over Involves Bad Crowd
blursed_street takeover hero
What's a single line of horror movie dialogue that chilled you to the bone?
Gamer Shot Two People and Himself After Losing Madden NFL Tournament
Who’s yours favorite Black Superhero
What’s the current song you’re obsessed with?
What movie do you feel had the perfect end credit song?
What are some of the All-Time best Bass lines
Caramel apples shouldn't use green apples
I'm going through my first breakup where we still love each other but aren't right for each other. It's awful. Please wreck my shit with recommendations.
It’s good to get humbled physically
Do you think feminine men or masculine men appeal more to women?
If you could redo your 20's what advice would you give yourself?
What’s a Song You Love That Only Few People Know?