Excuse for everything
just did the yandex thing
If you can be a hecking valid nondysphoric trans person then that means i can be a dysphoric cis man.
guys… it’s calling me.. i- i need him. i can’t believe ive been given this chance
Do you believe you are trans truely?
What’s the endgame for y’all?
Real reppers, your lifestyle is fruitless
My mom: “Reppers are good! Be a repper!”
Todays cope
how it feels to be nakey as a pooner
The year is 2039…
Trans is beautiful
not a thought behind those eyes 🤭
My brother you’re just a repper
What's the point of being alive if you're a pooner?
Newly discovered species of frog. What does it remind you of?
All trans people are men.
Fellow ~~boy~~ peasantmoders, do you hide your deformed skulls and faces in shame?
« How I look »… Fat?
fuck my chungus pooner foodservice life
I was reading archives of r/itsafetish to self-harm and this made me sick. Wherever she is now, I hope she's okay.
i wish i was a trans man instead because everyone genders everything male
my personal anti-poon mantra
i get gendered correctly but i dont pass because im short