Delicate Tomb, as a fusion rifle, does not stun Unstoppable Champions. Bug?
No NLRB? No Problem - Industrial Worker article from Feb 7
Since Queenbreaker is deservedly getting more attention (in PVE), why Quickdraw or Hip-Fire Grip?
Whats everyone's thoughts on Arc subclasses now?
Suros Regime needs the Queenbreaker treatment.
Bungie I’m on my knees please keep the glaives class unlocked
Void overshield and defence buff
All Grenade Abilities Apply Verbs Except For The Majority Of Arc and Void Grenades
Lucky Pants, Mechaneers' Tricksleeves, Peacekeepers and....???
When Bungie said healing wasn't "working as intended", what do you think they'll do?
On the Prowl may have been advertised as the new Hunter aspect, but the reworks to Ascension to are the best aspect buff hunters received.
Class Ability Recharge
Bungie, Blight Ranger is two changes away from being relevant.
Whose abilities would you want from this list?
I can't believe i have to say this, but...
If you got resurrected as a guardian, what would you do?
Step 11, heresy quest line
Take it out
Has it always been "The Queenbreaker"
I love the new activity, but it seems like the only way to make arc viable in the endgame is to not allow other classes to heal.
If you could replace champions with another mechanic, what/how would it be?
5/6 Hunter Subclasses offer at least one aspect with three fragment slots, while only 1/6 Warlock subclasses do the same. Can Warlocks get an aspect with three fragments slots outside of Prismatic?
Shinobu's Vow is Screaming out for Bolt Charge
If you want us to use Juggernaut in PvE, give it immunity to combatant slows
Class Glaives are no longer class restricted?!?!