What is the weirdest food you've ever tried?
What was the first movie that scared you to the core?
Какая песня у тебя ассоциируется с детством?
Why do you like chips?
Why can't we forget our first love?
What is a tried and tested formula to survive a crashout?
What's your favorite horror movie?
whyyyyy? what do i do to increase my views??
What makes life worth it for you?
How much money do you spend per month?
Why do you like TV series?
Why do you like pizza?
Любовные пиздострадания #1459
Bybit got Hacked!!
Какие страшные сны вам снились?
Thoughts on Celestia/TIA?
a question for real borrowers and real lenders?
Hiring (Engagement Task)
Люди знающие английский выше уровня b1, как вы его достигли?
Why don't skin wounds heal?
Why does hair fall out?
This is true
This is true.