My Crew
Stellar Transformation Season 6 is released after a long await 😂😂
What is something you DON'T like about One Piece ?
When did Luffy shocked his crew mates most ?
Who is weakest of them ?
Luffy's "Real Dream" what I wanted to know most.
Who do you think will be the final villain?
"Tomb of Fallen Gods", season 2 is better than season 1.
Best time travel series after Dark series ?
I hope it was me
I want season 2 ( God of Ten Thousand Relams)
Say something nice about Spandam.
No way 😭
I am waiting for this flight (Rimuru vs Veldora and Velgrynd)
My fem!Law cosplay
Yuuki surely regrets not killing Rimuru when he had the chance...
After every fight
This is the world of adults
When this anime season 2 is going to release
Whenever "Yami" is on the action, he becomes the leading role.
Rest in peace (RIP)⚰️⚰️⚰️