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Best song on wickermen?
Do you think Ghost's tape would have generated bigger numbers if he had dropped it on the friday he returned, or will it be bigger now?
Y’all fw Leo Crafft?
What Sematary album has the best intro?
IMO Burrow is a better option than Wilson or Darnold
Will I get hurt in the moshpit?
Sorry I’m late to this but I’ve been busy. Can someone translate this for me?
what are some simple lines that hit hard as fuck for no reason
Have yall ever cried or have been close to crying to a haunted mound song (safe space btw)
What game made you a raiders fan?
Old 2hollis IG live 2022(Shoutsout sematary)
is raw meat mounded
What are haunt o holixxx listening today ?
reverence wins blue! what haunted mound song is purple?
It’s been asked before but what is y’all’s favorite sematary song?
meet by the river is red! what haunted mound song is orange?
Eternity Chaos says OTW
Every 2024 Haunted Mound Track
100 days since this masterpiece was released
anyone else return to ftw often
These are the brains of the remaining zillakami fans
what’s this song