Baru pertama kali terima gaji sampe ratusan juta dan gw malah sedih…
4 hrs layover in Zagreb
International student here, if I already graduated (received an Exmatrikulation) and my student residence permit still has a few months validity, can I travel to my homecountry and come back to Germany while the permit is still valid?
Daily Discussion Thread 11/20/2024
Shoe cleaning service
AXA SingleTravel for paragliding/paramotor accident?
So happy with my cozy living room!
Pengen Coba Beli Barang di Ebay
Munich shows and stuff to do
What should I wear for the upcoming Adele concert?
Rehoming sub requests and rules.
Where do you live in the city, size of place and what's your warm rent?
Berapa persentase terbesar dari gaji yang pernah.... adeh bingung. What was the biggest percentage of your salary you've ever spent on 1 single thing/purchase?
Daily Discussion Thread 03/26/2024
What's in your AE/TB/DHG Cart? 01/09/2024
English-Speaking Hausarzt
Bumbu Munik worth the price ga?
Update on"Request Tips Pertama Kali ke Luar Negeri"
List of Asian Supermarket in Siegen
How to style this white faux leather jacket?
Apa Momen terendah kalian?
Komodos yang tinggal di luar negeri, bagaimana kisah kalian?
My host ask to not take a shower every day (I do only do once at evening).
Dicari Penginapan Berhantu lokasi Jakarta Pusat