That specific word triggered me
What were the subtle signs of emotional neglect that you didn’t recognize until you were older?
I’m scared of becoming a creep like my rapists
I can’t stop thinking about it
Buffy Reboot?
Which common romance tropes you think don't translate well to sapphic romance?
I stg y'all are a bunch of pot heads
I feel so disgusting. TW, Graphic, Rape.
Anyone else think Dawn is more annoying than a normal 16 year old?
Fiancé with PTSD doesn’t remember cheating.
Struggling with feeling like dating is 'easier' for other people?
Sometimes I just feel so raped
Can I have PTSD from greening out on marijuana?
Deleted all my dating apps. Now what?
What are your best “I care about mental health until it is inconvenient for me” stories?
To the weirdos with the pink collar/ leash combo who just walked through mac hall
oh. they're mad.
It is just me or all the lesbians have this special ex who they just can’t Forget ?
was it casual 😓
Anyone else freaking out about the possible overturning of Obergefell?
"I don't have problem with hair, but babe you have to shave"
Instead of running away, I constantly want to confront it
(I'm joining the new trend) Which character makes you go:
My gf is being forced to marry a guy who’s 10 years older
am i still a lesbian if i enjoy male attention?