She needs the attention
So classy as always
Yeah ok, right
Same excuses...same old gorl
I thought she was a bAd BiTcH??? I'm shocked she didn't upload a "Hello hi reddit how ARE YOU" response video.
Ghost Malone posted about why she hasn't weighed in and how she's lonely with no friends
She's baacckkkk
Hi, hello...your math sucks
Already setting up for not going to the gym tomorrow
And nothing changes
She is nothing but predictable
Let's see how long this lasts.
General HunSnark - Week Of December 30, 2024
Feederism Talk
Not abby lee 💀
National Talk Show?
Annndd she’s manic again…idk how I sat through the whole video
So we're back to angry videos about people calling out your calorie intake and ignoring questions about the GFM
Wait a minute....
You know damn well no one asked for her Venmo🤣
what now?
We get it you breastfeed/pump