Increasingly concerned about safety outside of my local grocery store (Smith’s)
Hila supporting Ye?
Just a little doodle!
Great Turnout Today
Handout from Metro about the protest on 2/5
Holy victim complex
From the protest earlier today
Found a homeless guy with a foot infection
Ethan apologizes saying Content Nuke is canceled tonight, might go up tomorrow
What's a problem only attractive people have?
i don’t like my bf anymore.
Where can I find eggs?
Why she gotta keep defending this man
This is Ethans desperate attempt at regaining his audience
Really Vegas?!?
It’s no surprise which community is excited for Ethan’s content nuke
Ethan teases his incoming Hasan JDAM strike coming next week
Olivia gets upset over criticism of Wicked, and Dan basically tells her to calm down
Disability assistance SSDI
It’s been 3 years since starting this subreddit—
Covid Vaccine
What the actual hell???
Request: no more posts from family about their dying loved ones.
I’ve decided to keep her for the time being 🤣
The main reason for most fans leaving recently
Constant dizziness and head pressure