To what extent do you weight ethics of companies or their CEOs when considering where to interview?
What are your best resources interview preparation as an experienced developer?
Why do people oppose a wealth tax when property taxes are already based on the estimated value of a house?
Topic / Guest Request: Wealth Taxes / Thomas Piketty
Starting From Scratch: Sam Harris
Have any of you ever been legitimately saved by back/spine protection? I want to be motivated to wear it.
[D] Question About ResNet and Scalability of Extremely Deep Networks
Will there ever be an exhaustive, final moral framework? If not, why should we even care about moral realism at all?
Found the Cactus
Frame Swap
How come Sam equates LLMs (or whole LLM trajectory) with AGI?
F.D.A. Declines to Approve MDMA Therapy
What Shock do you run on your Santa Cruz 5010?
Broke collarbone first time
Handling an overeager reviewer
Get stats on a Valheim server that is set to private
Recent Frankenbuild
How can I prevent my capsule character from bouncing on ghost vertices?
Dirt jumps in So-Cal
New Magura MT7 pro - wandering bite point
Sam Harris' views that don't lean left.
Downhill parks a couple hours from Washington DC?
What is bad about being overbiked?
My favorite feature on this new trail I rode yesterday
"Preride, Reride, Freeride" and Etiquette